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Updated: Apr 24, 2021


IntellaSport provides this to you, the "Client" or the "Contractor", and to any other entity on whose behalf you accept these Terms (collectively "you"). These Terms are entered into by and between IntellaSport and you, and you accept them by: (a) purchasing lessons from IntellaSport; (b) using the Site in any other manner; and/or (c) acknowledging agreement with these Terms. You understand and are willing to pay forth all costs associated with tutoring/instructing services through IntellaSport. These costs include but are not limited to: (a) lesson rates or special packages as listed; (b) travel and transportation fees as described on the site/emails; and (c) cancellation fees as described in our cancellation policy.


IntellaSport Accounts

After making a purchase that is whether you plan to "Pay as you go", "Special Packages & Memberships" or for 'Memberships' you will have an Available Lesson Balance that will be deducted from; after each session (total amount of lessons completed). Your IntellaSport Account can be requested at any time or viewed by logging into your IntellaSport Account. After your Available Lesson Balance reaches zero your account will no longer be active until you wish to continue using our services. If you owe, or have not paid for any lessons that you have been serviced for; your account and any form of sessions from IntellaSport will be suspended. All "lessons" or "special packages" purchased from IntellaSport are NON-REFUNDABLE and expire 3 months after the original purchase. If your account has been inactive for 60 consecutive days without written notice to IntellaSport you must pay a reactivation fee of $50.00, if your account is inactive for 90 consecutive days without written notice your account will be suspended. If you have request for a hold to be placed on your account; you will be billed a hold fee ranging from $25-$100.00. If you fail to make the payment it will automatically come from the next payment received from you, regardless if it goes towards a current package.


Cancellations Trial Packages:

If you must cancel/reschedule a session, you must provide at least a 24 hours (prior to the scheduled appointment or class) notice to IntellaSport via email otherwise your Available Lesson Balance will be debited for the total amount of lessons scheduled for tutoring. If the written notice has been received in 24 hours of the scheduled appointment your Available Lesson Balance WILL NOT be debited for the total amount of lessons scheduled for tutoring.of If you must cancel due to illness you must provide a 24HR notice to IntellaSport with a verifiable doctor's note. Once the doctor's note has been verified only then will the class be rescheduled. There are NO make up sessions! If you do not show up to a class (and no written cancellation has been provided in advance notice) or an appointment you cannot reschedule or make up the lesson; it will be considered a 'No Show'.


Cancellations Memberships:

If you must cancel/reschedule a session, you must provide at least a 24 hours (prior to the scheduled appointment or class) notice to IntellaSport via email. Your Available Lesson Balance WILL BE debited for the total amount of lessons scheduled for tutoring. If you must cancel due to illness you must provide a 24HR notice to IntellaSport with a verifiable doctor's note. Once the doctor's note has been verified only then will the class be rescheduled. There are NO make up sessions! If you do not show up to a class (and no written cancellation has been provided in advance notice) or an appointment you cannot reschedule or make up the lesson; it will be considered a 'No Show'.



All payments are made through IntellaSport electronically by one of our third parties and via cash or check as instructed to by IntellaSport that are non-refundable. When you "pay as you go" there is a minimum requirement of 2 lessons. If you purchase a "special package" or "membership" you can secure your desired times and dates at a higher percent than if you decide to "pay as you go"; these times desired cannot be 100% guaranteed. If you are credited a lesson to your Available Lesson Balance/IntellaSport Account for any reason (referrals or courtesy credits) you must have available lessons on your account before you can use that credit; credits are not refundable. Traveling Fees must be paid before swimming lessons can be rendered. Referrals or Courtesy credits are not redeemable for cash or any other form of payment and are only available for the type of lesson on your account. 



All Unlimited or Summer Memberships are based on availability and first come first serve basis. IntellaSport reserves the right to cancel any appointments if there is not a minimum of 3 students that day or location. All lessons are private thirty minute - fifty minute lessons unless you ADD ON a family member, then it is a semi private (thirty minute) lesson; the limit is 3 students per lesson. In most cases your thirty-minute class may be combined to be a forty-five minute class; it will then be considered a total of 1.5 lessons. There are no make up lessons, if you must cancel the scheduled appointment (without prior notice) you will loose the class. Each family is given 3 make up lessons for weather purposes ONLY. Weather Days are issued by IntellaSport. All Summer & Unlimited Memberships are limited to one lesson per day based on those days available for that particular membership. Regardless if you are late to an appointment, the lesson will begin from the time it was scheduled and end at the time it was scheduled. If an IntellaSport Instructor is late, your appointment will begin at the time that they arrive and end after the correct allotted time.


Group Lessons

Group lessons are taught in rosters of 2-6 children per group class. The only way a class can be rescheduled is with the consent of the entire group. If one child misses a class; they are not allowed to have a make up class, the class will be considered a 'No Show'.


Discounts & Promotions

IntellaSport offers discounts and promotions to our clients in advance in exchange for a referral that will enroll with IntellaSport. For instance; the client receives a $50.00 discount, so you are required to refer at least one person over to IntellaSport. The person that is referred must successfully enroll with IntellaSport. Your first successfull referral that registers, satisfies your initial discount received. Any referral after that you will receive one free class added to your account. This applies to all discounts or promotions offered by IntellaSport.


After Purchase

After you have purchased lessons, we will coordinate schedules with one of our instructors. We will assign an instructor who will fit into your schedule as closely as possible, however we cannot guarantee any specific type of instructor. Your instructor's availability may alter after a period of time, in which case IntellaSport will find a suitable replacement instructor. Remember if for any reason you are not satisfied with your current instructor, IntellaSport will find a replacement.


Refund Policy

There is no refund policy, there are only a few exceptions where a refund is considered. It is the protocol of this establishment to exhaust all other options before offering a refund. (1)If a client is unhappy with their current instructor after the first session, you must inform IntellaSport via email ( before the close of business hours on the day that the first lesson was rendered; that you would like a refund. The request for a refund will be reviewed and this is not a guarantee that you will receive a full refund. If a refund is approved in some cases you will be billed an early-termination fee ranging from $25-$100.00 (2) If the client no longer needs assistance with a particular course or activity yet still has monies and/or lessons due them, IntellaSport will hold those lessons (via an account credit) until the next course or the next time that the client is in need of an IntellaSport Service. This balance can be transferred over to a family or friend of your choosing. We do not offer refunds if there is a change in instructor, a change in the instructor's schedule, language barriers, or anything else not related to the client not being satisfied with the first lesson. The company, IntellaSport will consider a refund if (1) there are no available instructors in that particular field or location; if we do not have an instructor that can teach your child, you will receive a refund. The refund process can take up to 60 days from the time that a written request for a refund is submitted to IntellaSport LLC.


Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions/policies are subject to change without notice to the client. If you have any questions about the above terms or policies please contact IntellaSport at 844-PRO-SWIM or

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